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Chicago Mission Trip - Entry 5

Writer's picture: Jacqueline DrugaJacqueline Druga

From Emily Shubilla

We went on a field trip today after our community service and visited the Dusable African American Heritage and History Museum. It was heavy. Some of the most upsetting and memorable exhibits were those about slavery. To see the shackles, yokes, and punishment devices was disturbing to say the least. For me, the most difficult was to see the KKK robe because the hatred for the sake of hatred under the guise of Christianity. The burning of the cross and the claims of creating a perfect nation for God really contradict the messages of the Bible. One of my favorite verses is from Psalm 139:14- “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; that I know very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.” God creates each of us with a perfect plan in mind to make the perfect person that the world needs. All people. There’s no room for hate or discrimination because without each of the people God created to be with us, the world just seems a little broken.


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1 commentaire

Judy Lipp
Judy Lipp
03 août 2023

That's quite a crew! Actually, it is a great crew. Glad you went to the museum and talked about it. And I agree that there is NO room for hate or discrimination and the JMPC crew is a wonderful example. Proud of you all - great picture!!! Judy Lipp


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